Water damage in the home is usually the result of appliances and household plumbing systems that fail. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help prevent most of these issues.

Locate Your Main Shut-Off Valve

Make sure you and everyone who lives in your home knows where the water’s main shut-off valve is located.

Maintain a Temperature of at Least 55°

To prevent water pipes from freezing, make sure to always keep your thermostate set to at least 55ºF.

Shut Off The Water Supply

If your property is going to sit vacant for an extended period, consider shutting off the main water supply. Make sure to consult with a professional before making this decision.

Inspect Your Air Conditioner

Have a professional regularly inspect your air conditioner, checking for leaks and cleaning the drain lines, and changing the air filter.

Inspect Your Home

Regularly inspect water heaters, showers, tubs, toilets, sinks, dishwashers, fridges, and washing machines, as well as supply lines, hoses, connections, and fittings.

Inspect Caulking

Inspect caulking around showers, bathtubs, sinks and toilets, making repairs as needed.

Inspect Your Ice Machine

If your refrigerator has an ice maker or water dispenser, inspect the hoses running between the back of the unit and the wall. Make sure the hoses are not pinched or stressed.

Check For Corrosion

Inspect exposed pipes and valves for signs of leaking or corrosion. Make repairs as needed.

It’s also important to make sure you’ve got the appropriate insurance coverage. Contact us to find out if water damage is covered by your plan (630) 441-1003