Fireplaces bring a delightful and cozy touch to our homes, which is especially appreciated during the harsh winter days. However, having a fireplace also entails responsibility. It’s crucial not to attempt DIY projects here – always rely on a professional to inspect and maintain your fireplace. Here are some essential tips to ensure your fireplace remains both safe and snug.

have an inspection

  • If you’re purchasing a new home that has a fireplace, make sure your home inspector takes a thorough look at the fireplace, checking for things like holes in the flue, hearths that are too small, or chimneys that are too short.
  • Have a chimney sweep inspect your fireplace every single year, checking for soot and creosote builup, evidence of animals such as nesting material, and other common wear and tear.

get the fireplace cleaned

  • In addition to an inspection, chimney sweeps can also conduct a thorough cleaning, using long brushes to “sweep” out soot and creosote. They can also repair or replace the chimney cap.
  • It’s best to hire someone certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America.

have a contractor make repairs

  • Chimney sweeps may suggest you make certain repairs, such as relining the chimney or replacing bricks. It’s a good idea to request a list of any suggested repairs.
  • It’s wise to get a second or third opinion before launching into repairs.
  • Hiring bonded and insured contractors or masons will provide you, the homeowner, with the most protection.

get the proper tools

  • A metal grate or stand to hold your logs, which allows proper airflow and makes fires easier (and safer) to start.
  • A metal screen to prevent sparks from flying out of the firebox.
  • A shovel and broom to clean up fully-cooled ashes.
  • A small metal can/garbage can to deposit the cooled ashes and carry them outside for disposal.
  • A fire extinguisher stored nearby.
  • Working and tested smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

If you’re interested in learning how having a fireplace impacts your home insurance, contact us today either by phone (630.441.1003) or email ([email protected]).